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The Bradley Fellowship

 Leadership means firmness, not harshness;
understanding, not weakness;
justice, not irresponsible freedom;
humaneness, not intolerance;
generosity, not selfishness; pride, not egotism.


The General Omar N. Bradley Fellowship is the United States Army's premier junior officer broadening program.  The Bradley Fellowship is designed to bring together cohorts of the highest-performing Officers and give them the skills, tools, and experiences necessary to innovate and lead at every level - from tactical to strategic.

Current Fellows


Bradley Fellows begin the program with rigorous, graduate education at Georgetown University's McCourt School of Public Policy. 


Fellows earn a Masters of Policy Management that culminates with a Capstone report addressing national security issues. 


As students, cohorts participate in applied Innovation and Problem Solving seminars through the Defense Innovation Unit and the National Security Innovation Network to refine their skills and add critical toolsets.

Upon graduation, Bradley Fellows apply their new education and skills against the Department of Defense's most challenging problems while assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Staff. 


Assignments are nominative, and aligned against Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff priorities.


Bradley Fellows return to the Army and leverage their connections with the rest of the DoD to enable Army priorities. 


Fellows are assigned to key roles in the Army Staff that align with Secretary of the Army priorities and objectives. 


Communication across cohorts gives cohorts a unique ability to knock down stovepipes in the bureaucracy.

Bradley Fellows proudly carry their title throughout their careers and their lifetimes. 


As active cohorts, they serve as mentors to the program, as well as key enablers for civilian counterparts - including participants in DIU's Hacking 4 Defense - around the world. 


Alumni actively identify the best officers as candidates for the program, and continue to place Fellows in the most challenging roles with the greatest responsibility.

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